Christa’s Quilt Links: Time to Vote and Share

In light of the storm devastation this week, Jennifer from Knotted-Thread is collecting donations of quilt blocks that she will use to make quilts that she will personally deliver to one of the affected areas in December. Please click the link above and send a block or two if you can. I’m sure there will be tons more quilters and sewists banding together to help out during this time of need.

There are lots of things to vote about this time of the year, and fortunately many of them have to do with quilts! Below are fun links to explore from my web travels this week:  Blogger's Quilt Festival

The 2012 Blogger’s Quilt Festival is now underway. Nominate your favorite quilts in 15 categories through November 4. (I am sponsoring the winner for the Home Machine Quilted category). Vote for your favorite quilts in these categories November 5-8. Winners will be announced November 9. As of this writing there are over 600 entries to choose from!

Alyssa at Pile O’Fabric has lots of fun stuff going on, too. You can vote for your favorite finalist quilt in her Totally Groovy Quilt Along. This original pattern was designed by Emily Cier and was used as the basis for the QAL.

Curves not your thing? Then how about triangles? Check out Alyssa’s Triangle Wheel Quilt Block Tutorial. I’ve never seen a block like this before. She recommends using Kona Cotton Charm Squares for ease of construction.

Triangle Wheel Blocks

Totally Groovy Quilt

Cathedral Windows StarSpeaking of tutorials, I have another fun one I want to share with you courtesy of Elizabeth from Don’t Call Me Betsy.

Elizabeth is taking part in a Cathedral Windows Quilt-Along series.

She chose Summersville fabric to make a very modern version of her Cathedral Star Block.

Very cute Betsy — I mean Elizabeth!

Finally I wanted to end with this fun quilt by Jacquie Gering of Tallgrass Prairie Studio. It’s her nod to the 80’s – complete with neon fabrics, musical notes and yes, that’s a cassette tape! Remember those??

The 80's Quilt

Here’s the disclaimer: I’m blogging about what interests me and I in no way receive any compensation for endorsing anything I write about. These are strictly my opinions. I’ve gotten blanket permission from individual blog owners ahead of time to share photos.