Arrow Sewing Chair Giveaway!! The Best Chair Ever!

Update: the giveaway is now over. Congrats to Cheryl C. from New York who won and picked the Duchess Blue chair. I’m sure it will look great in her sewing space!!

I’ve been thrilled that so many of you love my Christa Cabinet from Arrow Sewing. Once I started using the cabinet, I needed a chair to go along with it! So I picked out their hydraulic sewing chair in grey. I’m telling you, this is hands down the most comfortable chair for sewing I’ve ever tried!

Actual view of my sewing table with hydraulic chair. Off to my left is the Tasmanian table which is height adjustable and perfect for cutting!

In fact, I love this chair “sew” much that I got a 2nd one in blue for my computer desk which is along an opposite wall. These chairs are so comfy and give lumbar support right where you need it. They are adjustable and even have a storage compartment hidden in the seat!

I chose the plain colored chairs to match my sewing room, but they come in lots of colorful prints, too!

Here’s How You Can Win One!

Just leave a comment on this post telling me where you sew! Whether it’s a dream studio, or a tiny corner in your home, you can make your space more comfy with one of these chairs.

Now the fine print: due to shipping restrictions this giveaway is open to US residents only. The giveaway will be open through the end of the day on Monday, May 27, 2024. I’ll choose a winner randomly from all the comments received and will contact them directly. The chair will ship directly from Arrow Sewing.

Good luck and happy sewing!!

185 thoughts on “Arrow Sewing Chair Giveaway!! The Best Chair Ever!

  1. cyndij1967 says:

    I just bought my first home at age 57 and I am taking 2 bedrooms and knocking out the wall between them to make one large sewing room! It will be big enough for my quilting machine AND my little sewing table. I can’t wait to set it all up. Making slow progress as I’m doing all of the work alone but I’ll get there. Love the chair. It looks comfy.

  2. Cheryl Ann Refior says:

    YOU are going to have quite a time choosing who gets your sewing chair. (I saw the LONG LIST!) I have sewn for the PUBLIC 40 years or so and my sewing chair ( with storage) is falling apart. I’m 77 and have sewn for the last 40 some years…I live at 2516 A Avenue, Kearney, Ne. (Sew for the PUBLIC…took my sign down for a while as I just had knee surgery).

  3. Cheryl Kosarek says:

    At our 50th class reunion my high school friend asked me to move to Minnesota from New York to live with him. He gave up the dining room in his home so that I could have a studio. We eat on a tiny table in the living room. He is kind and generous and I so appreciate him. This chair would really dress up my studio space and help show him how much I appreciate him, even after all of these years!

  4. Debbie says:

    Im really blessed to have a studio right off the kitchen. Before my husband passed away he made sure I had everything I needed to enjoy my sewing. He built me a cutting table and he and my son made me a sewing machine table out of oak. I would love a new chair. Seems as I grow older, the old back isn’t what it used to be and this chair would be perfect!!!!

  5. Terry Marvel says:

    When I moved into my husband’s home after we got married, I commandeered a portion of the finished basement for my sewing haven. My chairs aren’t the best for sewing, but it’s a happy little place.

  6. Kathy Leake says:

    I sew in a bedroom which has then turned into my sewing room. When we bought the house, it came with furniture including a rolling chair. I use that one for sewing, but I do not like it and would love a new Arrow hydraulic chair.

  7. Lisa white says:

    I quilt in my spare bedroom in California. I love quilting. I want to up my game by finishing my items and sell them. Not at that level yet. But love practicing..

  8. Mary Plencner says:

    I sew in my dining room and do my cutting on the living room. I have seen since I was 7 and am now 79. I mostly quilt now.

  9. Evie Gorecki says:

    I am fortunate to have a room for sewing and crafting. It’s meant to be the second bedroom in our house so I use the den which is smaller as the guest room.

  10. Gaye Pedersen says:

    I sew for Days for Girls International, in the first real sewing room I’ve ever had. I started sewing my own clothes when I joined 4-H at age 10. There are so many wonderful entries on this post, that it may be difficult for you to choose just one. Thanks!

  11. Rebecca Lasure says:

    I have a corner in the family room and use an office chair but this chair reminds me of my old wooden chair with the removable seat that I use to put my thread spools.

  12. Pam says:

    I have a sewing room that used to be my daughter’s bedroom. I would love that chair! Thank you for the opportunity to win it. You inspire me with your machine quilting.

  13. Rosemarie Birk says:

    These chairs look so comfortable! And I love the variety of patterns. I sew in a corner of my spare bedroom, sharing the space with my grandkids when they are here!

  14. Shelly Taylor says:

    I sew at my kitchen table. I am learning and beginning to quilt as I want to continue my mom’s tradition of making graduation quilts for each of her grandchildren (26 of them) as they graduated from high school. My first grandchild is to graduate this year / so I am just beginning to keep the tradition. I have 26 grandchildren so far right now. I have rheumatoid arthritis so a comfy chair would be great as I often get sore joints.

  15. Shelly says:

    I have just begun to quilt. I will be sewing at my kitchen table. My mom quilted beautiful quilts for her grandchildren as they graduated from high school. (26 grandchildren). I want to continue to follow her tradition and do this for my grandkids as well. (26 so far). I would love a comfy chair since I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and get stiff a lot. It looks beautiful.

  16. AW says:

    Previously I’ve sewn at my kitchen table, but I am moving in with my mom and will sewing in the loft. It has been brought to my attention that a lot of my current furniture won’t fit through the hole at the top of the (steep) stairs. So now I am worried and picturing nothing but folding camp chairs! I know there’s a middle ground, my imagination just hasn’t latched onto what it is yet. Regardless of furniture, there are large bright windows there.

  17. April Feller says:

    love this chair had one like it but it did not have up and down .it was solid and wood .loved the in side for supply’s. It would be perfect in my sewing room .

  18. Tamara M Frank says:

    I’m lucky to have half my finished basement room for my sewing projects. I have a cream linoleum floor and this chair would be so nice to move from sewing machine to project table.

  19. JO ONEILL says:

    I am very lucky to have a somewhat finished basement. One half is my sewing room and the other half has a wall of shelves which hold my stash. I just got an old Kenmore and plan on setting it up on my breezeway for Summertime Outdoor sewing!!

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