Christa’s Soap Box – I like to Share

Hi friends! It’s been a loooong time since I’ve written a “soap box” post! But don’t worry, they aren’t as scary or “controversial” as the name may imply, LOL!! My blog is my happy place, so I try keep things uplifting and positive around here. My soap box posts are just a chance for me to share my thoughts and feelings about quilting in general, with no other purpose than to be sort of a journal for me to capture what I’m thinking about, and a place for you to respond if you feel so inclined.

(I’ve included a few pictures from my week at Vermont Quilt Festival so that it’s not all text.)

Feathered Chevrons at Vermont Quilt Festival

Feathered Chevrons was my entry into the Faculty Exhibit at Vermont Quilt Festival 2017.

Recently I’ve been thinking about social media sharing. I have social media accounts in all the places (FB, IG, pinterest and soon to be YouTube.. yadayada.. – just go to the appropriate spot and type Christa Quilts), but I always return to my blog as my “home base.” It’s the one place I can go to write long form essays, share indepth written tutorials, and post lots of pics.

Don’t get me wrong, the bite-sized snippets that we all share on Instagram, Facebook, etc. are great. And you can’t beat the reach of a dedicated weekly email newsletter. However, I feel like there’s so much “noise” out there that sometimes things can get lost. I just recently returned from a teaching trip and I realized how much I enjoy the personal face-to-face interactions with my students in a classroom environment. Although there’s no way to replicate that exactly on social media, I feel like my blog is the next best thing and here’s why:

Christa Watson trunk show of quilts

Some of my quilts on display after my machine quilting trunk show.

When I teach an in-person class, the students are coming to me. They’ve signed up for the class, have prepared their class materials ahead of time, and they are excited to learn. Once they’ve read the class description, they know what to expect and we all have a fabulous time. We have created a community and many times we create relationships that extend far beyond the scheduled teaching day.

Student work - free motion quilting class with christa watson

Student practice in my free-motion quilting class.

When I blog, you come here to read what I’ve written, or be inspired by what I’m sharing. Many of you even leave comments which I do my best to answer to directly, and I really like that interaction. I really do consider you all friends here and try to treat my blog as an extension of my classroom. I’m NOT standing on a street corner (or better yet – at the entrance to a quilt shop) yelling “hey come take my class – I want to teach you something!” as crowds of people shuffle by on their way to do something else. Yet, that is sometimes how social media can feel. So. Much. Noise.

All of this is to say I’m going to start spending a little more time here, and posting more often. Don’t worry, I’ll still be in alltheotherplaces. And I have no set schedule that I have to keep up with. Sometimes I may only have time to share once a week with a quick update. Other times I may share several in-depth posts in a row. But it will definitely be thoughtful and with purpose.

At times my posts will need to be promotional (gotta pay the bills); other times they may be poignant (writing helps me think).

Student work from String of Pearls

Student work from my String of Pearls class.

After I wrote my fist book in 2015, things got really crazy really fast. Now 3 books, 2 Craftsy classes and one soon-to-be-revealed-big-project later, I realize that I miss blogging regularly. So I’m jumping back into it. Although I know I won’t post everyday, I realize I do best when I capture thoughts and ideas and write a little bit each day. So it may take me 3 days to write a post, but I’m excited to make blogging part of my regular routine again.

Student work on Facets from Machine Quilting with style by Christa Watson

Student work in my improv piecing class. We made Facets from Machine Quilting with Style.

It’s been nearly 7 years since I first started blogging and I still enjoy it – so thanks to all of you who have been with me since the beginning. And I offer a warm welcome to those of you who’ve just joined! Now I gotta go jot down some more ideas about my next post….

Happy quilting, friends!








16 thoughts on “Christa’s Soap Box – I like to Share

  1. Alice Vanderlyke says:

    Hi Christa. Just got home from 11 days in the hospital and I am anxious to start my next quilting project. Your original website was the inspiration I needed to get started with quilting at the age of 71. I seem to be more traditional than modern in my tastes but keep on writing as your talent and enthusiasm keep me going.

  2. Kathyvt49 says:

    Great post! I am new to the Christa Quilts world. I took a class at VQF and throughly enjoyed it. I will be reading your future posts and some of your archived posts too! Thank you for your contributions to the quilting world!

  3. Leanne Parsons says:

    I agree that social media is a great ‘instant’ tool, but to really get to say anything in-depth you have it blog it šŸ™‚ Sometimes my social media posts are just a snippet of what’s on the blog and then a link to tell people to go to the blog to read more. I always enjoy reading your posts and look forward to seeing more of them. As for some of them being promotional…you’re right that you have to pay the bills, but you also worked hard on all of the projects you’re promoting and you should be able to share about them without people making you feel guilty for promoting your work.

  4. Judy says:

    It was a pleasure to meet you at the VQF. I was a listener at your trunk show. Soooo good to see your works in person, so good to see your ideas up close. I first learned of you when I saw your blue chevron quilt and I have been a follower ever since. I have watched your rise to “stardom” and am thrilled for you. Always great to read what you write. Thank you!

  5. DEBI JIMENEZ says:

    The first blog I ever read was your Soapbox blog years ago regarding Modern versus Traditional quilting. It was my first of any kind ever. Since then, I have followed you on a journey of a lifetime. I found my quilting style and a whole world of creativity and learning was open to me. You worked hard and now have so many achievements since I found you and me on that Soapbox . Glad to have been able to come full circle with you . Bring a soapbox once a month to your blog and keep stitching Christa. Can’t wait for the first post.

  6. Pat T. says:

    Christa, I’m happy to hear that you will not abandon the blog format! For all the reasons you mention that you enjoy writing here, I enjoy reading you! (and reading my other favorite blog writers!… Looking at you, Yvonne! šŸ™‚
    I do sometimes check IG, but don’t/won’t do FB…
    Love my blog friends!!
    Thank you for sharing, teaching, and inspiring!!
    Pat T.

  7. Rose in VT says:

    Was really neat to see you in person at VQF and at the Judges Panel last Friday. It’s also great to hear you like the blog format and plan to keep doing it. It really is a great venue for more in depth than quick sound bite musings. Checking out my favorite blogs is part of my morning ritual. Now on to some quilting…:)

  8. Patricia Evans says:

    Looking forward to reading more posts. I don’t do other social media and I don’t blog myself. And it does seem that some bloggers have abandoned their readers, perhaps feeling everyone is on Facebook (they’re not).

  9. Yvonne @Quilting Jetgirl says:

    I definitely feel that my blog is my home base and helps with the creative process in a completely different way. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and eek – looking forward to hearing more about your soon-to-be-released big project! šŸ™‚

  10. onecreativefamily says:

    I enjoy your blogs. I have made some wonderful friends on here. To me the blogs help me get other input than mine or a sale’s person who could care less. We are a family who help, inspire, critique, not judge, and support you when you are at a low.

    Love your blogs.

  11. Judi Rutherford says:

    I am happy to hear there will be more blogs from you. I think that the “instant” properties of some social media serve a purpose for keeping one in front of the audience but it does not provide that connection that nutures each of us.

    Once again crafty/quilty bloggers seem to be at a crossroads particularly some that use them to generate income.
    I for 1 am paring my lists on the “instant” media and looking for my favorite bloggers to come back to their roots. I see blogs like friendly neighbors, a place to learn a little, share a little and generally feel good in the process. Life is too short to not enjoy what we do, who we play with, and how we spend our time. Welcome back!!!!!!

  12. Hedy Hahn says:

    Like the others, I’m happy you are going to blog more. I remember when I started way back when reading your blog, I remember when you started running again, that was a long time ago. You always have an upbeat spirit and I enjoy that. Keep it up girl !

  13. margiestitcher says:

    I do love to read blogs not so keen on instagram and do not do facebook teitter etc. Good to know you will be posting more often so many bloggers seen to have abandoned their blogs must admit I m lazy on mine maybe I should make more of an effort but more interested in what everyone else is doing. Still struggling to do machine quilting hopefully will get there one day!

  14. Christine Sherman says:

    I agree with your thoughts. I miss the blogs being the place we all went to. Due to health problems and numerous family emergencies, I’ve neglected mine but not by choice. Things are going to settle very soon (knock on wood) and I can’t wait to get back to my blog and sewing! I wish others could slow down too and return to blogs also šŸ™‚

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