Happy New Year 2020 and New Blogging Goals!

It’s been a few years since I actually sat down and wrote some business goals. But finally feel like I’m catching up and have actually had time to think and plan again, LOL! One thing has really stuck out at me lately, and that’s how much I enjoy blogging (and sharing pretty quilt pics)!

Surplus Strips by Christa Watson made from Fandangle Fabric

Here’s a recent quilt finish you may have missed.
It’s called Surplus Strips made from leftovers or precut strips.

I’ve written several times over the past year about how I’m trying to nail down this social media stuff. I appreciate everyone’s support in ALL THE PLACES and I’m not going to abandon any of them. But no sooner had I decided that I should blog LESS that I realized that’s the wrong answer for me. I actually want to blog MORE!

So I was looking at my stats and I get a healthy number of people who visit my blog each and every day, whether they leave a comment or not. And I LIKE writing lots of words! And sharing lots of pics!

Surplus Strips Warm by Christa Watson

I made surplus strips in both warm and cool colorways of my Fandangle fabric line.

Don’t get me wrong – Facebook and Instagram are great for spur of the moment stuff. But sooo many people don’t see my content because of the 8#!@& algorithms! In fact I would say I have double the number of instagram followers than blog followers, yet my engagement and views here on the blog is about 2-3x higher than on Instagram.

So all of this is to say that going forward I plan to increase my blogging frequency to 3x per week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Now to make this work, I’ll write up and schedule some of the content, like quilt alongs, ahead of time. Other days I’ll write a stream of consciousness “soapbox” post like today (but I’ll still include pretty pics).

Surplus Strips Warm Pieced backing

I love making pieced quilt backs from leftovers!!

And because this IS my business after all, I’ll still need to sprinkle in the occasional post about my latest & greatest fabrics, books or patterns for sale. But hopefully it will be inspiring content that will get you excited to make (and finish) more quilts!

Surplus Strips Cool by Christa WatsonClick here to get the Surplus Strips Quilt Pattern – PDF
Click here to get the Surplus Strips Quilt Pattern – in Print

So now I’m curious to know: how do you read this blog?

  1. Do you get instant email notices when a new post goes up?
    (You can add your email in the right side bar or scroll to the end below.)
  2. Do you use a blog reader service like Bloglovin’?
  3. Do you book mark this blog and come back to check it occasionally?
  4. Or do you get reminded about it when I share links to my posts on instagram/facebook/newsletter?

Surplus Strips quilts made from Fandangle by Christa Watson

Click here to get the Surplus Strips quilt kit.

I’m very data driven and geeky about this stuff, so I’d love to know. And feel free to leave me a comment letting me know what you’d love to see more of in the new year. Here’s hoping you have a fabulous 2020 and that all your quilty dreams come true!!! 🙂

78 thoughts on “Happy New Year 2020 and New Blogging Goals!

  1. Leisa says:

    I am a serendipitous reader of quilting blogs. I typically do my own thing, and then google stuff if I’m having issues or am trying to find a specific learning or technique. I found you due to your YouTube video on quilt basting on a wall.

    While I do not subscribe to any blogs, I do subscribe to YouTube stuff (because I won’t remember the where!), but never try to see them all.

    Everything I’ve learned about quilting, I have learned online. I’ve never taken a class, and I find all of the knowledge and inspiration that I need from people like you who have generously shared.

    I try to share some of the stuff that I have discovered, as I tend to be quite nebbish in determining optimized production methods, so I share those with others where I can. There are many ways to skin the quilt cat, and developing our preferences is part of the journey.

    Thanks for what you do.

  2. Wanda Black says:

    I have your website bookmarked along with some other favorites and I read it weekly. I do love your stream of consciousness blogs. The pretty pictures of your quilts is always delightful.

  3. Cameron says:

    Happy new year! I use feedly blog reader for all the blogs that I read. I’m glad you’re continuing with blog posts, I love the detail that you add.

  4. Linda Garcia says:

    I get your blog posts delivered into my email. I get fed up with Facebook, so haven’t been there in months and I don’t really get the point behind Instagram. I like to read words with my pictures so thank you for thinking that your blog is not dead! So many designers and crafters who used to have blogs now only post on Facebook or other social media. I still like to read blogs. So therefore, designers I used to follow I am no longer following because they dropped the format of blogging. You go Christa!! Keep blogging, I like it!

  5. Quilted Pants says:

    I receive an email notification each time you publish a blog post. And I feel the same way as you about blogging. My blog was my first social media platform and although creating a blog post is time consuming I find it is very satisfying. I post regularly on Facebook and Instagram but the inconsistent reach creates a ‘disconnect’ that actually isn’t very social!
    I’ll look forward to receiving your email notifications in my inbox. Best wishes Allison

  6. Cyndy says:

    I get email notifications and can either look immediately or save the email and look when I have a chance. I love your blog and have most of your books. I use “Machine Quilting with Style” for its wonderful instructions for bindings. I love your fabric and have used both yardage and fat quarters. I am not as comfortable on Instagram as i don’t know how to use it as well and I rarely go on facebook. I’d rather quilt than use social media.

  7. Patti Tarbox Windberg says:

    Happy New Year, Christa. I get notified of updates through Bloglovin’. I also like to piece the backs using leftovers of whatever was on the front so I enjoying seeing how others put those pieces together.

  8. psai2000 says:

    Hi Christa I got a new book for Christmas “Why We Quilt” by Thomas Knauer and was pleased to see your name and design in it. The quilt in under Cheryl Brickey an the quilt is named Drizzle.

    Catherine Purifoy (210) 857-5168 Sent from my iPhone 8+


  9. Kathy Nolan says:

    I get your blog in my email and read every post. Love the cool color way quilt!

    When I read you blog I recall the class I took with you and feel inspired all over again!

  10. Debra Reber says:

    Happy New Year! I read your blog through e-mail. I love all the pretty quilt pictures! Seeing a picture really inspires me, just wish I had more time to quilt!!

  11. Karen Seitz says:

    I get an email and always read them although I generally do not click over to your blog to read the post. I love being able to read them right in Outlook. I hope that doesn’t mess up your stats! And Happy New Year!

  12. Pat Smith says:

    I receive the blog post thru my email, tho I don’t usually leave a comment. I love hearing all about your adventures, seeing what you are creating and appreciate the lovely quilty eye candy / quilt pictures. Happy New Year!

  13. wannajava says:

    Happy New Year. I read from emails and watch your Instagram and Facebook. You have inspired me to quilt. Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing what you plan for this year.

  14. Susan M says:

    Happy New Year Christa! Love your posts, always get inspired – l read them via email. Appreciate that today you showed the pieced back.

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