Sneak Fabric Peek of Some New Projects

I’m excited to get a jump start on some quilts I’m hoping to finish next year. I wanted to play around with precuts and scraps and I can’t tell you how refreshing it is to sew with so many colorful pieces of fabric!

Pat SloanTriangle TipsI’m currently making a quilt using Pat Sloan‘s latest fabric line The Sweet Life which will be in shops (including ours) around February of next year. These are some leftover triangle trimmings from the quilt blocks. I decided they are so fun and colorful that I think I’ll make a bonus project from all of the leftovers. Got any suggestions?

Scrappy Charms_1I also started cracking open some mini charm packs and regular charm packs that I have accumulated over the last couple of months (and this is after attending quilt market and giving most of it away already!!)

Not quite sure what I wanted to do with them, I first sorted them into piles of lights and darks because I knew I wanted high contrast. I was able to flip over quite a few of the medium prints and they turned into pretty low-volume pieces on the back. I just love versatile fabric, don’t you?

scrappy_charms_2I just love the contrast between bright prints and more muted low-volume designs!

I’ve now got the perfect idea in mind – it’s based on a traditional quilt I made years and years ago that I’m going to tweak into a more modern design. I’ve been having a blast sewing together all of these little squares and playing with all these luscious colors and prints!

14 thoughts on “Sneak Fabric Peek of Some New Projects

  1. Nicky says:

    Bear paw? Sawtooth stars ? Scrappy churn dash ? Too many to name them all! Glad you are using up your scraps! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday!

  2. Carole Hill says:

    I turned over the backing of one of the quilts I did, and I loved the result, It was quite some time ago, But if you can see the pattern through the back it really is so much fun.

  3. Karen says:

    Flipping them over–Genius! There are a lot of prints I don’t like because they’re “too colorful” but this is a great solution! Thanks, Christa!

  4. Christina in Cleveland says:

    Ooo colorific! I love these! (Note I finally figured out the celebrity you remind me of … Christina Ricci… seriously… I’m sure you’ve heard that before. I wonder if Christina quilts? 🙂
    Quilt on!
    Christina (not Ricci) in Cleveland

  5. Hollie@Just a Mom who Sews says:

    You always have fabulous quilting ideas, so I am excited to see your finishes in the new year. For the scraps, maybe a new small bag to hold jewelry or makeup in?

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